The Widow with the Bottle of Oil
As this school year comes to a close, I'm reminded of the woman in 2 Kings 4:1-7 A prophet's widow came to Elisha because she was struggling financially. She was about to lose everything, including her sons. So she turned to Elisha for help. Elisha asked, "What do you have in your house?" She responded “Your servant has nothing there at all,” she said, “except a small jar of olive oil” (New International Version, 2011). She felt poor and thought she didn't have much to offer. She minimized what she did have as "nothing". The story is an excellent example of how God takes what we have - what we call "nothing" and turns it into something amazing. Elisha said, “Go around and ask all your neighbors for empty jars. Don’t ask for just a few" (New International Version, 2011). Once she started pouring, the oil continued to flow and filled all of the vessels. Homeschool Parents: Be Encouraged! God uses what we have. He doesn't ask us to be everything or have everything we need. He uses what we have and does way more than we could ever imagine. Ephesians 3:20 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us," (New International Version, 2011). Many homeschool parents feel unequipped and underqualified. I can't count the number of times I wondered, If we could do this another year. Was I smart enough? Was I patient enough? Did I have enough time? Would the kids listen to me? Without God, the answer to all of those questions was "no". He took the little patience time and education I had and turned it into something beautiful. Don't let the enemy convince you to focus on your lack. Scarcity thinking does not come from God. Don't look at what you have left and think you are all poured out. You do still have more to give because God will give it to you. God takes what we have and turns it into something amazing. What Does This Mean for Homeschooling? Homeschooling can be challenging, but remember that God is with you every step of the way. He knows what your children need and will give you the wisdom and patience to teach them. Don't worry about not being enough or not having enough. God's got you. Keep learning, keep growing, keep moving forward. Your kids are watching you and learning to trust God in the tough seasons by seeing you do it. 3 ways to apply abundance thinking.
As you close out another school year, remember that God doesn't require perfection from you. He just wants you to offer what you have and trust Him for the outcome. Homeschooling can seem overwhelming at times, but take heart! God has a plan for your family, and He will provide everything you need. Isaiah 64:8 Yet you, Lord, are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand" (New International Version, 2011). Points to Ponder
Resources Resources available at Online Homeschool Bookstore Classes available at One Day Academy References: New International Version. (2011). New-International-Version-NIV-Bible/#booklist Christian Life Austin, 05/21/2023, Sunday Live Worship Experience, "YouTube,"
Gratitude can help keep your student focused on what matters.
While homeschooling, I noticed myself getting so focused on “The List”, that I would get away from WHY we were homeschooling. For us, a big part of why we started was to be able to disciple our children. We wanted to instill values into them that would impact the rest of their lives. While working on a specific school struggle with our son, a friend told me, “Toni, he has a great heart. That’s what is going to make the difference as he gets older.” I realized, yes he needs to be able to accomplish school work, but what matters more is that he has a heart for God and treats people well. During this Thanksgiving season, I’m reminded of this. I want to teach my kids to always be thankful for the opportunities and gifts that God has given us. Yes, they have to get their work done. However, what if we start the day with a different list. I’m going to add a gratitude list to the beginning of my to-do list. A list of things I’m so glad God gave me. One of those is the opportunity to show our kids what matters most. I’m grateful for:
What about you? What are you thankful for right now? As parents of homeschoolers, we want to give our students the best education while preparing them for life. We often have a fear of leaving “gaps” in their education. I noticed myself being so focused on the “core” subjects, that I almost forgot about elective credits. Sometimes it felt like we were barely surviving Math, Science, English, and History!
When my kids were in high school, I read somewhere that even if a student is smart, has a great GPA and test scores, they may not do well in college or the job market. I remember thinking, “Wait, you mean we have to do more?!?!” Elective courses develop well rounded students who can think for themselves, make decisions and work well in groups. I realized the things they learn in these “fun” classes will spill over into the core classes and everyday life. While they may struggle in a core subject, elective courses can build their confidence by helping them find their passions. Be sure to look at your state’s requirements for graduation. Even if you are in a state that doesn’t require certain courses, colleges are accustomed to seeing those courses on transcripts. Electives on a transcript can help your student stand out (in a good way) on college apps and in the job market. Here’s a quick list of random elective ideas to get your wheels spinning.
What electives have you had your students involved in? Give our readers more ideas of what has worked for your family. |
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