A test score of 1800 (Old SAT), 1200 (New SAT), 26 (ACT), 1200 (PSAT), 1200 (PSAT 10), 1200 (PSAT 8/9), or 90% composite score on Iowa or 90% on the total battery on the Stanford nationally normed standardized achievement tests. Test score may not be more than one year old.
** Please send to [email protected]:
** Please send to [email protected]:
- transcript signed by parent
- copy of tests scores
- ESA is for grades 9-12. Students may apply as early as spring of their 8th-grade year.
- High school seniors are encouraged to submit applications before October 31st of their senior year.
- Memberships are valid from August 1 to July 31 and are renewed after August 1 of each year.
- Membership renewals will be accepted after August 1st of each school year.
- Students will receive a new letter of acceptance for that school year after renewal application is received.
- Only those students who meet the HSLDA definition of a homeschooler are eligible for ESA membership. This rule states that a student must complete 50% of his/her studies at home under the direct supervision of the parent. Co-ops, group classes, and even community college courses are acceptable as long as the 50% rule is followed.
- Once accepted, all members must serve at least 2-1/2 hours in community service projects a month for a total of 25 hours every school year. These hours must be completed prior to May 1 of the current school year.
- Upon completion, please submit the completed service form for review, subject to verification. Failure to submit the service-hours form may result in membership forfeiture. Parents must also verify that the student has maintained a 3.5 GPA.
- Graduating with Honors: Honor Society members graduating with One Day Academy may be eligible to order gold honor cords along with their cap and gown.